The Cardinall's Musick: Performance Diary

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Concert: Wigmore Hall (Fayrfax Series) (Saturday 20 June 2015, 7.30 pm)

The Passion of Christ – sub-plot: Cardinal Wolsey

The third in our three-concert series on the music of Fayrfax, setting his Latin sacred compositions within the context of the religious and political landscape of early Tudor England.

The Passion of Christ has brought forth much powerful music, chief amongst which is the extended devotion O Maria plena virtute by Fayrfax . The sub-text of this concert is Cardinal Wolsey, Henry VIII’s principle advisor until his fall from power, including music from John Taverner, his first infirmator at Cardinal College and Nicholas Ludford.

Booking now open:

Tel 020 7935 2141

Date: Saturday 20 June 2015, 7.30 pm    Venue: Wigmore Hall, London »